A bit about us........
I have had a keen interest in Photography most of my life. It began with an exhibition held at the Royal Easter Show in Sydney when I was about 12 yrs old. Having seen some magnificent monochrome landscape images I decided that that would be my hobby of choice. The mechanics of cameras fascinated me...I was hooked.
I practised with mainly borrowed cameras and built a small darkroom in Mum's laundry.
But it was the gift from Dad and Mum of an Asahi Pentax Spotmatic that set me on my course.
Little did I know that one day with my wife Maria we would own and operate our own business in the heart of our home town, Wagga Wagga Australia, providing services to our community, especially Wedding Photography and Family Portraits.
We are self taught.
We read everything he could get our hands on, but the biggest effect on our photography life came when we attended the Professional Photographers of America conventions. We both found these fascinating, and invaluable for the information they imparted.
When Digital Imaging came on the scene we enthusiastically adopted it into our work day and were one of the first studios around to become fully digital.
I now hold a Life Membership of The PPA, and held Certification by this professional organisation during my professional career.